
Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

President's Challenge
On 8/6 from 2 to 4 p.m., Dr. and Mrs. Benson will add an additional $19.69 on to every faculty and staff gift up to a total of 100 gifts.
100 / 100 Gifts
Alumni Challenge
Alumni, this one is for you! On 8/6, the first 100 alumni gifts will receive an additional $19.69! Give whatever size gift you'd like and receive $19.69 in matching funds thanks to a generous gift from Nancy Gundy Davidson BS’80 and Charles “Chuck” Davidson MS’80!
100 / 100 Gifts
Mechanical Engineering Challenge
Help the ME department reach 40 gifts to unlock an additional $100 gift, thanks to an anonymous donor.
40 / 40 Gifts
Early Riser Challenge
This one is for the early risers. If 50 gifts are given between 6 and 8 a.m., on Aug. 6, an additional $2,500 gift will be unlocked, thanks to Max Post!
34 / 50 Gifts
Comets Giving Day Kickoff Parade
We have officially announced our first winner of the bonus funds. Congrats to UEMR on winning your group an extra $492.25! Other winners will be announced tomorrow, stay tuned!
Sunrise Yoga
See you bright and early for a special Comets Giving day yoga session. Join the virtual event by following @UTDallasAlumni on Facebook.
The Final Countdown
COMETogether to celebrate (virtually) the last minutes of Comets Giving Day! Join us by tuning in to the @UTDallasAlumni Facebook page as we announce final totals of Comets Giving Day!
#COMETogetherUTD Bonus
Thanks for being a part of Comets Giving Day, Ashley Simpson! Through your participation, EPPS will receive an extra $50 in bonus funds!
Comets Giving Day Group Teaser Video
We had so many groups participate and make great videos! Our winning video, randomly chosen from all challenge participants was the Gender Center! Congrats on winning an additional $196.90 in bonus funds!
Cuteness Overload Bonus
Congrats to Laura Shagman on winning the cuteness overload challenge! You have won an additional $50 that will be going to ECS Student Organizations!
Like, Share, Like Challenge
We've completed our Kickoff Parade and our virtual Comet Tails event. Congrats to our winners of the Like, Share, Like Challenge (day 1 events) . ATEC and Future Comets have won an extra $50, each, in bonus funds!
Student Match
We miss celebrating Comets Giving Day on campus with our students, but we still want everyone to be a part of this record-breaking day! All student gifts, $2 minimum, will be matched dollar for dollar up to $19.69 for a total of $1,969! Go Comets!
$1,969 MATCHED
Night Owls Challenge
This one's for our night owls. In honor of the 50th anniversary, help us get 50 gifts between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. and an additional $10,000 from longtime Comets Giving Day supporter Libby Hodge will be unlocked!
50 / 50 Gifts
50th Gift Bonus
Congrats to our 50th gift winner, Sandra Wells Paine! Because of you, Volleyball will receive an additional $50 bonus gift!
1,969 Gift Bonus
Congrats to Ovidiu Daescu for winning an additional $50 to the CS Student Support Fund!
Last Gift Bonus
It's down to the wire. Be the last person to make a gift before 6:49 p.m. CST and win $50 in extra funds for your favorite cause or area at UT Dallas.
Faculty/Staff Challenge
On 8/5 from 4-6 p.m., the first 100 faculty and staff gifts will receive an additional $19.69! Give whatever size gift you'd like and receive $19.69 in matching funds!
100 / 100 Gifts
Our Alumni have been showing up BIG and we want everyone to benefit from our $19.69 bonus challenge; therefore, we've created one final alumni challenge. When an alum makes a gift during the final 3 hours, $19.69 in bonus funds will be added to the first 100 alumni gifts!
100 / 100 Gifts
UT Dallas Challenge
WOW, Comets! You all are amazing. Thanks to your participation, you have unlocked a $500,000 gift from the late Dr. Carter.
2,500 / 2,500 Gifts
Best Group Marketing
Our groups have some amazing content they've been sharing with the world and we want to reward one of these groups with an additional $196.90 in bonus funds thanks to a generous gift from Peter Balyta!
Comet Tails
Join us for Comet-inspired happy hour. We will have fun drink recipes for all during this virtual event on Facebook Live. Make sure you're following us @UTDallasAlumni.
Lunch with Momo Shack
Learn how to make momos with Leezen Amatya BS’15, Thang Duong BS’15 and Daniel Flores BS’15, founders of Momo Shack. This event will be shared on JSOM and @UTDallasAlumni accounts on Facebook!
Share the Comets Giving Day Video Challenge
Thanks to all of the groups that shared our Comets Giving Day video! Comet Cupboard wins this challenge and will have $50 in bonus funds added to their totals!
Student Emergency Fund Challenge
Post on social media and tell us who you will be supporting on Comets Giving Day using the digital ambassador cutout and #COMETogetherUTD. An anonymous donor will donate $5/photo+hashtag to the Student Emergency Fund up to $1,969!
Maskin' and Relaxin' Challenge
Congrats to Cynthia Seton-Rogers on winning an extra $50 in bonus funds for the Ackerman Center!
Temoc TikTok Challenge
Eric Aaberg was on it for this challenge and that means $196.90 in bonus funds is going to Comet Life!
Alumni Match
Are you a UTD alum? Now is the time to make your gift go further! All alumni gifts of $19.69 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $1,969 on 8/5 thanks to a generous gift from Nancy Gundy Davidson BS’80 and Charles “Chuck” Davidson MS’80! That is 100 alumni making a difference for the next generation of Comets!
$1,969 MATCHED
All-inclusive Leaderboard
Congrats to our top groups on winning bonus funds!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $196 Comet Cupboard 245
2 $196 Student Ambassadors 151
3 $50 Athletics 90
4 $50 Student Emergency Fund 65
5 $19 First-Generation Student Programs 55
Show 5 More
First Gift Bonus
Congrats to Lisa Chandler on making today's first gift to the Comet Cupboard. We will add an additional $50 to your gift!
883 (UTD) Gift Bonus
You've probably seen this number on our website or all over campus. It's on our buses and at the beginning of every University phone number. Because of this connection, the person who makes the 883th gift of the day will win an extra $50 to support his or her UTD area of choice.
2,020 Gift Bonus
What a different year 2020 has been! The person who makes the 2,020th gift on Comets Giving Day will add an extra $50 to their area of support!
Ambassadors Challenge
Have you signed up as a digital ambassador and shared your unique link? All active ambassadors are eligible to to be in random drawing to win an Amazon Alexa! We will award two random active ambassadors!
Participating Groups
Academic Bridge Program Tile Image
Academic Bridge Program
Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies Tile Image
Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies
Alumni Association Tile Image
Alumni Association
Archer Center Tile Image
Archer Center
Arts & Humanities Tile Image
Arts & Humanities
Arts, Technology, & Emerging Communication Tile Image
Arts, Technology, & Emerging Communication
Athletics Tile Image
Bangladeshi Student Organization Tile Image
Bangladeshi Student Organization
Behavioral and Brain Sciences Tile Image
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Career Center Tile Image
Career Center
Center for Advanced Pain Studies Tile Image
Center for Advanced Pain Studies
Center for Asian Studies Tile Image
Center for Asian Studies
Center for BrainHealth Tile Image
Center for BrainHealth
Center for Children and Families Tile Image
Center for Children and Families
Center for Students in Recovery Tile Image
Center for Students in Recovery
Center for Translation Studies Tile Image
Center for Translation Studies
Center for U.S. - Latin America Initiatives at UTD Tile Image
Center for U.S. - Latin America Initiatives at UTD
Center for Values Tile Image
Center for Values
Center for Vital Longevity Tile Image
Center for Vital Longevity
Chess Team Tile Image
Chess Team
Comet Closet Tile Image
Comet Closet
Comet Cupboard Tile Image
Comet Cupboard
Comet Life Tile Image
Comet Life
Crow Museum of Asian Art Tile Image
Crow Museum of Asian Art
Delta Zeta Tile Image
Delta Zeta
Douglas Aundre Peterson Fund for Homeless Students Tile Image
Douglas Aundre Peterson Fund for Homeless Students
Economic, Political and Policy Sciences Tile Image
Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
EMBA Equality Scholarship for JYSP Tile Image
EMBA Equality Scholarship for JYSP
Employee Resource Groups Tile Image
Employee Resource Groups
Eugene McDermott Library Tile Image
Eugene McDermott Library
First-Generation Student Programs Tile Image
First-Generation Student Programs
Future Comets Tile Image
Future Comets
Galerstein Gender Center Tile Image
Galerstein Gender Center
Geosciences Tile Image
Graduate Studies Tile Image
Graduate Studies
Hobson Wildenthal Honors College Tile Image
Hobson Wildenthal Honors College
Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Tile Image
Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Interdisciplinary Studies Tile Image
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Education Tile Image
International Education
International Student Emergency Fund Tile Image
International Student Emergency Fund
Jim Friedberg ProConnect Opportunity Fund Tile Image
Jim Friedberg ProConnect Opportunity Fund
Jindal School of Management Tile Image
Jindal School of Management
Jindal Young Scholars Program Tile Image
Jindal Young Scholars Program
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Tile Image
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Kids University Tile Image
Kids University
Legacy Lane Bricks Tile Image
Legacy Lane Bricks
McDermott Scholars Tile Image
McDermott Scholars
Military and Veteran Center Tile Image
Military and Veteran Center
Multicultural Center Tile Image
Multicultural Center
Natural Sciences and Mathematics Tile Image
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Science and Mathematics Education Tile Image
Science and Mathematics Education
Service-dogs In Training Tile Image
Service-dogs In Training
Staff Council Tile Image
Staff Council
Student Ambassadors Tile Image
Student Ambassadors
Student Counseling Center Tile Image
Student Counseling Center
Student Emergency Fund Tile Image
Student Emergency Fund
Student Volunteerism Tile Image
Student Volunteerism
Student Wellness Center Tile Image
Student Wellness Center
Teacher Development Center Tile Image
Teacher Development Center
Temoc Socks Tile Image
Temoc Socks
Undergraduate Success Scholars Tile Image
Undergraduate Success Scholars
University Emergency Medical Response Tile Image
University Emergency Medical Response
UT Dallas Pep Band Tile Image
UT Dallas Pep Band
UTDesign EPICS Tile Image
UTDesign Senior Capstone Tile Image
UTDesign Senior Capstone