ATEC is a leader in multidisciplinary education that draws inspiration from the creative disciplines of emerging media, art/science, design/technology, and communication/culture.
Your support helps students, faculty, and researchers create the future through their scholarship, research and creative practice.
Be an Intentional Future-Maker.
*School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication - Funds for ATEC support student enrichment, experiential learning, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, research, and creative practice opportunities.
*Tech Titans Removing Educational Barriers Endowment - The Tech Titans Removing Educational Barriers Endowment provides need-based scholarship awards for undergraduate students enrolled in School of ATEC programs for tuition, fees, books, and living expenses.
*Anthony (Tony) Cross Memorial Student Support Fund - The Anthony (Tony) Cross Memorial Student Support Fund directly helps ATEC students with expenses for research, enrichment activities, and travel related to the student’s education at UT Dallas. Tony Cross BA’07, was an amazing man with a big heart who never met anyone he didn’t then make his friend. After graduating from UT Dallas in 2007 with a degree in arts and technology, he pursued his passion for motion capture animation at Motus Digital.
*Marjorie Duckworth Endowment – Funds for this endowment support trans-disciplinary students who collaborate to investigate topics at the intersection of art and science.
*ATEC Animation Fund – These funds support the Animation Concentration at the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication.
*Big Design Scholarship - Supports ATEC undergraduate students with a focus in the field of design.