The Mission of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) is to provide excellent education in modern electrical and computer engineering practice. Our graduates are uniquely qualified for rewarding and successful careers in a diverse range of electrical and computer engineering fields, including materials, devices, circuits, digital systems, signal/speech/image processing, and communications.
Founded in 1989, the ECE Department is one of the oldest departments at the Jonsson School with a strong tradition of graduating highly skilled and sought-after engineers. ECE continues to lead UT Dallas in the number of PhD graduates. The ECE department at UTD is ranked 7th in the country for Bachelor's, Masters and PhDs combined awarded degrees, based on 2018 American Society for Engineering Education data.
"I started giving because of the quality of education I received at the University and how it has helped me in my career."
-Alan Ladd BS EEM 1996
"I think it is important to help foster the future of the engineering profession. Everyone wins when students have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills to be successful, well rounded problem solvers."
-Nicole Skarke BS EE 2010
Please make a gift to support ECE undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships.
“We want our talented students to be able to focus on their studies! Your gift can help to remove some of the financial stress and enable just that. Join with us by encouraging the development of the next generation of engineering leaders!”
-Dr. Lawrence J. Overzet, ECE Dept Head