Who we are
The Center for Students in Recovery provides a safe, supportive community in an effort to enhance student’s ability to thrive socially and academically while living in recovery. The CSR strives to empower students by offering peer-support groups, individual consultation, education and outreach focused on substance use, disordered eating, and process addictions. Support services are free and available to all students - those in recovery, as well as students who are curious about the impact of potentially addictive behaviors on their life.
What we're fundraising for
The CSR is raising funds to continue to provide individual recovery planning, life-saving naloxone trainings, sober social programming, peer support services, and educational workshops on addiction, recovery, and harm-reduction strategies for students, staff and faculty.
Our impact
The CSR strives to provide quality recovery support services that meet the needs of UTD students who are in recovery, curious about addictive behavior, or are recovery allies. The CSR advocates for students through recovery-focused outreach and addiction education to reduce stigma and increase access to recovery on campus. These efforts enhance the student's ability to seek joy in the journey, to thrive socially and academically, and to successfully graduate from UT Dallas.