The Dept of Geoscience offers research and education excellence in Sustainable Earth & Environment Systems Science, and Clean / Net-Zero Natural Resources such as Energy, Water, and Critical Minerals. Our expertise includes all aspects of the complex dynamic interactions between the solid-Earth geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.
Our BS and fast-track MS degrees offer graduates exciting and high-paying jobs in industry, government and academia, and our PhD degrees lead to top research and management jobs.
Your donations to this fund are especially helpful to support and modernize our two 3-week undergraduate fieldwork courses (remote rugged field camps), undergraduate and graduate student research experiences, travel to attend and present at conferences and workshops, and visits by outstanding speakers to present at our weekly department.
Matching gift opportunity! Thanks to a generous donor, the first $1,000 given to Geosciences will be matched dollar for dollar. Double your impact today!