Since 1996, Dr. Hasan Pirkul has led the Naveen Jindal School of Management through tremendous growth to increasing stature. He has overseen the construction of the school’s $38 million facility, which was completed in 2003. Ten years later, he helped direct the building of a $25 million addition that provides 50 percent more space for the University’s largest school.
The Dean’s initiative provides funding as directed by the Dean Pirkul for research, program development, academic excellence awards, scholarships and recruitment of students and faculty of the highest quality.
“As we approach a new calendar year, I am filled with hope for our future as we continue to navigate through the pandemic and the impact it has had on UT Dallas.
That is why I hope you will consider supporting your Jindal School in a time of great need. I look forward to seeing the impact that our loyal friends and alumni have on the next generation of Jindal Scholars.”
-Hasan Pirkul