Freshman Mentor Program

The Freshman Mentor Program (FMP) strives to cultivate an environment of student leadership through mentoring that assists freshmen with the transition to college life and fosters a strong sense of belonging through academic engagement, social involvement, and community service.


College presents many challenges, both academically and socially. The Freshman Mentor Program was created to connect incoming students with current UT Dallas students. Mentees who choose to join the Freshman Mentor Program are paired with a student mentor to help ease the transition to UT Dallas, specifically during their first two semesters at the University. Peer mentors at UT Dallas work to support new students in the following three areas: leadership development, academic support and social engagement. In addition to providing personalized support for each mentee, the Freshman Mentor Program hosts service, academic and social events throughout the year to help participants engage with campus and the program more deeply.


Throughout the life of The Freshman Mentor Program, mentees report that their experience strengthened their sense of belonging as a new UT Dallas student. And mentors consistently report that their mentoring opportunity contributed to their sense of legacy at UT Dallas. Mentees and mentors alike historically experience stronger GPA and persistence outcomes than their non-participating peers. These annual trends are markers of the significant impact a program like the Freshman Mentor Program can have in the life of an undergraduate student. Beyond the metrics, however, are the compelling student stories, all of which our program staff have witnessed during the exciting lifetime of this initiative. 


Freshman Mentor Program Participant Testimonials


“I love the Freshman Mentor Program and its purpose! As a participant, I truly feel more connected to UTD and am less anxious about my undergrad career at UTD.”


“I had a lot of fun with this program and found it genuinely useful being a first-time college student.” 


“I truly felt at home. I learned a lot and am grateful for being a part of this amazing program!”


Donations received during Comets Giving Days will fund the following Freshman Mentor Program initiatives:

  • Travel for an increased number of mentors and mentees to attend student leadership conferences.
  • Increased student worker staffing to support a growing program.
  • Growth of the Student Leadership Team, a group of program participants who act as ambassadors and specialized support for the Freshman Mentor Program
  • Cultural and service outings for mentor and mentee participants.


Alumni Power Hours
UPDATE: Alumni Power Hours Extended Until Midnight. Alumni are Comets Giving Days champions and help lead the way for the next generation of Comets! All alumni gifts of $2 to $24 made on April 3 from 4-10 p.m. will receive a dollar-to-dollar match, up to $2,400. Double your impact with this match and help your favorite group reach the top of the alumni leaderboard. Go for the gold!
$1,991 MATCHED
Soon-to-be Alumni Match
Are you graduating in spring 2024? We've got a special match just for you! All gifts of $2 to $24 given by spring 2024 grads will be doubled dollar for dollar up to $2,400.
$1,262 MATCHED
Student Power Hours: Day 2
Are you a student? Give your $2 gift to your favorite UT Dallas group and have it be doubled during these power hours.
$2,162 MATCHED
Closing Ceremony Match
$32.46 is the average Comets Giving Days gift over the last seven years. During the closing ceremony on April 4, 5-6:49 p.m., ALL gifts of $2-$32 will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $2,400.
$2,400 MATCHED
100 + 24 + 24 + 24 + 24 + 24 Alumni Challenge Sprint
Let's finish this last leg off the strongest! When 220 alumni make a gift, regardless of amount, on April 4, an additional $1,000 will be given to the Comet Cupboard thanks to a generous donor! Give anywhere and help fight hunger at the same time! The end is near and another challenge is unlocked. When an additional 120 alumni give to any cause, $500 more dollars will be unlocked and given to the Comet Cupboard.
220 / 220 Gifts
1st Gift Bonus
Congratulations to Dallas Formula Racing for receiving the bonus funds for our first gift bonus!
883rd Gift Bonus
Congrats to Young Scholars Program for receiving the 883rd gift bonus!
Academic Departments and Programs Leaderboard
UT Dallas is known for its academic rigor and driven students. Help one of these academic departments or programs on campus win extra bonus funds by leading the pack!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $500 Comet Cupboard 217
2 $300 First-Generation Student Programs 35
3 $200 Academic Bridge Program 17
4 International Student Emergency Fund 16
5 International Center 15
Show 5 More
Night Owl Leaderboard
Calling all late night competitors! The group that receives the most gifts between 10 p.m. on April 3 and 2 a.m. on April 4 will win an additional $500 in bonus funds for gold, $300 for silver and $200 for bronze! Night owls unite!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $500 Dallas Formula Racing 27
2 $300 Comet Robotics 24
3 $200 Comet Cupboard 7
4 Bass Dean's Fund (Greatest Need) 5
5 Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
Show 5 More
Student Power Hours
UPDATE: Student Power Hours Extended Until Midnight! We need all of our student champions to go for the gold. All student gifts of $2 to $24 made on April 3 from 4-10 p.m. will receive a dollar-to-dollar match, up to $2,400. Double your impact with this match and help your favorite group reach the top of the student day one leaderboard. Go for the gold!
$1,905 MATCHED
Final Leg Alumni Match
All alumni gifts $2-24 on April 4 will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $800 thanks to a generous matching gift donor!
Faculty and Staff Workday Power Hours
On your mark, get set, go! On April 3, during work hours, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., all faculty and staff gifts of $2 to $24 will be matched dollar for dollar for a total of $2,400. Now is the time to double your impact!
$2,400 MATCHED
Faculty/Staff Final Stretch Power Hours
On your mark, get set, go...day two style! On April 4 beginning at 8 a.m. all faculty and staff gifts of $2 to $24 will be matched dollar for dollar for a total of $2,400. Don't sleep on this final match.
$2,400 MATCHED
Comets Giving Days Opening Ceremony Breakfast
Thank you to everyone for attending the Opening Ceremony Breakfast! Congrats to our bonus fund winners! $100 each to these areas: Games and Media Library, International Center, Women in Physics, Staff Council Scholarship, Comet Cupboard and $500 in bonus funds to Bioengineering!
54th Gift Bonus
Congrats to the Chemistry Clinic for receiving our 54th gift bonus!
Chiloso Lunch at the Plinth
Join us on April 3-4 for lunch sponsored by Chiloso! Food will start at 11:30 a.m. and be available while supplies last.
Closing Ceremony Leaderboard
On April 4 from 5 to 6:49 p.m., join in the closing ceremony fun! Help your favorite group get an extra $800 by helping them reach the top of this leaderboard. $500 will be awarded to the gold group, $400 for silver and $200 for bronze. It pays to work it until the end!
Rank Prize Group Gifts
1 $800 Dallas Formula Racing 171
2 $400 Comet Robotics 136
3 $200 Fraternity & Sorority Life 104
4 Athletics 17
5 UTD SIT 16
Show 5 More
Early Bird Leaderboard
The early bird gets the worm. On April 4 from 5 to 7 a.m., help the group you love receive the most gifts. The group with the highest total will win $250 in bonus funds!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $250 Comet Robotics 13
2 Dallas Formula Racing 11
3 JSOM and Dean's Initiative 2
4 Graduate Programs 1
5 Center for Children and Families 1
Show 5 More
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Or you can contact us at giving@utdallas.edu.