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Materials Science and Engineering



The Materials Science Department is committing the 2022 comet giving day proceeds to the “MSE Founders Fellowship”.  This fellowship will honor our founders: Profs. Bruce E. Gnade, Moon Kim and Robert M. Wallace, and will be used to support new outstanding MSE graduate students that share and foster the culture of academic excellence and community engagement.  This mission is only possible by contributions from faculty, staff, students, alumni, industry partners, and friends.

The history of MSE at UTD started in 2003 with the cluster hire of our founders (Gnade/Kim/Wallace) within the Electrical Engineering department. This cluster hire further strengthened the Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science areas of the Eric Jonsson School of Engineering and was crucial to develop a vibrant research program in Micro and nano-electronics. Their goal was to establish a Materials Science Department. This was achieved in only 5 years.

Since the inception of our department in 2008, we have seen our University double in size while becoming a “Tier One” University. MSE has been key to that success.  The research areas, faculty and culture of our department continues to evolve and adapt to a constantly changing world. The vision of our founders of producing engaged graduates, prepared for life, work, and leadership will never change. Please join us to establish the “MSE Founders Fellowship” to continue their vision and legacy.


Alumni Match
Double the fun! All alumni gifts of $2-$19.69 will be matched dollar for dollar, for a total of $1,969!
$1,469 MATCHED
Seniors Match
Are you graduating in 2022? Make your gift of $2 to $19.69 on Comets Giving Days and receive a dollar-for-dollar match! That's double the impact for your favorite UT Dallas group!
Student Match Day 2
Are you a UT Dallas student? Make a gift of $2 or any other gift up to $19.69 on April 6-7 and your donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $1,969!
$1,521 MATCHED
President's Faculty/Staff Power Hours Match
On April 7 between 10 a.m. and noon , Dr. and Mrs. Benson will graciously match all gifts of $2 to $19.69 made by UTD faculty or staff, up to $1,969!
$1,969 MATCHED
Faculty/Staff Challenge
Faculty and Staff have been a driving force in the success of Comets Giving Days. When 300 faculty/staff gifts are reached on Comets Giving Days, an additional $50,000 will be unlocked thanks to a generous gift from retired faculty member Larry Sall and his wife Judy Sall.
300 / 300 Gifts
Large School Leaderboard
The Naveen Jindal School of Management and the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science are by far the University's largest schools. It's only natural for these two to take part in a little friendly competition on Comets Giving Days. Watch this leaderboard to see who will take the cake – and some extra bonus funds.
Rank Prize School Gifts
1 $200 Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science 396
2 $100 Jindal School of Management 257
52 Gifts Leaderboard
Help your favorite Comets Giving Days group reach at least 52 gifts in honor of UT Dallas' 52nd year on April 7 to be eligible to win an additional $200 in bonus funds. The winning group will be picked at random.
Rank Groups Gifts
1 Comet Cupboard 77
2 Student Ambassadors 75
3 Computer Science 69
4 Jindal Young Scholars Program 65
5 Athletics 57
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Early Riser Leaderboard
On April 7 from 5 to 7 a.m., help the group you love receive the most gifts. The group with the highest total will win $100 in bonus funds!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $100 Computer Science 3
2 Materials Science and Engineering 2
3 Interdisciplinary Studies 2
4 Student Wellness Center 2
5 Athletics 1
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UTD Employee Match
Are you a faculty or staff member? All gifts of $2 to $19.69 made by UTD employees from noon to 4 p.m. on April 6 will be matched dollar for dollar up to a total of $1,969!
$1,840 MATCHED
UTD Employee Power Hours
Are you a faculty or staff member? Make your Comets Giving Days gift on April 6 from 4 to 6 p.m. and receive a dollar-for-dollar match for all gifts $2 to $19.69, up to a total of $1,969!
Student Match
Are you a UT Dallas student? Make a gift of $2 or any other gift up to $19.69 on April 6-7 and your donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $1,969!
$1,969 MATCHED
ECS Challenge
When the first 100 gifts are made to the Jonsson School, a $5,000 gift from an anonymous donor will be unlocked.
100 / 100 Gifts
Student Challenge
When 300 student gifts are given on Comets Giving Days, a $2,500 gift to the History of Aviation Collection will be unlocked, thanks to a generous gift from Judy and Larry Sall.
300 / 300 Gifts
22 Gifts Leaderboard
Help your favorite Comets Giving Days group reach at least 22 gifts on April 6, and they will be eligible to win an additional $200 in bonus funds. Winning group will be picked at random.
Rank Group Gifts
1 Undergraduate Success Scholars 82
2 Jindal Young Scholars Program 69
3 Comet Cupboard 67
4 Athletics 54
5 Computer Science 51
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Night Owl Leaderboard
The group with the most gifts between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. will win an additional $100 in bonus funds! Night owls unite!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $100 Fashioning Circuits 12
2 Athletics 8
3 Student Ambassadors 4
4 Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
5 Bangladeshi Student Organization 3
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Night Owl Challenge
The group with the most gifts between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. on April 19 will win an additional $100 in bonus funds! Night owls unite!
Rank Prize Group Gifts
1 $100 Comet Cupboard 144
2 Jindal Young Scholars Program 134
3 Student Ambassadors 121
4 Computer Science 120
5 Undergraduate Success Scholars 114
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See what people are sharing about Comets Giving Days 2022!
Donor Heatmap
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC
9 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 TX 9
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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Or you can contact us at giving@utdallas.edu.